Games by 26jls03
Average rating by 26 creator(s)2.27KPlayed 2.27K times3Favorited 3 times
- 15m15 minutes to escapeEasy-Peasy58% Success RateAverage rating by 9 creator(s)556Played 556 times1Favorited 1 time
zombie outbreak
26jls03 is a patron on Patreon26jls03 - Easy-Peasy64% Success RateAverage rating by 4 creator(s)461Played 461 times0Favorited 0 times
new home
26jls03 is a patron on Patreon26jls03 - Moderate32% Success RateAverage rating by 0 creator(s)265Played 265 times0Favorited 0 times
The Tower
26jls03 is a patron on Patreon26jls03 - Easy50% Success RateAverage rating by 8 creator(s)499Played 499 times0Favorited 0 times
living room escape
26jls03 is a patron on Patreon26jls03 - Easy-Peasy60% Success RateAverage rating by 5 creator(s)487Played 487 times2Favorited 2 times
basement escape
26jls03 is a patron on Patreon26jls03