Custom Graphics
Elevating your games with your own graphics
Creating a room with custom graphics can add an entirely new level of excitement to the gaming experience. Not only do custom graphics make your game visually appealing and unique, they also allow you to personalize the gaming experience to your liking.

How do I access the service?
Custom graphics are a paid service. Simply head to the shop and purchase a custom graphic coupon for each image you want to add to your games. Once you do, a confirmation message will appear in the graphics page.
What kind of graphics can I add?
Basically any graphic to be used in your game as item or background, with the exception of:
- Inappropriate content. No extreme violence or sexually explicit content is allowed.
- Graphics with copyright infringement. If you want to add a specific graphic that contains copyrighted content from a third party, you need to provide proof that you can use this graphic in your game. If you don't have one, you can ask the owner to fill a document granting permission to use their material. Please send copyright related documents to ROOM ESCAPE MAKER at the same time you send the graphic.
In case you just want a design to be adapted from an existing ROOM ESCAPE MAKER graphic (something to be added in a frame or poster, for example), know that you can request this kind of simple edit to be done directly by ROOM ESCAPE MAKER.

Please note that even after a graphic is added to your account, ROOM ESCAPE MAKER reserves the right to remove it at any time if malicious intentions are detected, for example. Read more about the Terms and Conditions.
How are graphics integrated?
As the integration is meant to make your game truly unique, this service requires admin intervention. Once you have coupons, you need to send your graphics via email and they are added to ROOM ESCAPE MAKER's editor with specific parameters linked to your account only. Secondary accounts do not have custom graphics transfered.
When sending your graphics, be sure it's the final version and that it follows the recommendations listed below. This avoids any additional delay. While integration can take up to 48 hours, your graphics do become available as soon as possible.
Need to make a change to your graphic? No problem! As long as you haven't already published a game using the graphic, simply send it again and explain the update. No more changes are accepted after publishing.
What are the technical requirements for items?
For a graphic to be used as an item and to be easily integrated, technical requirements are:
- Image resolution must be at least 40x40 px and not greater than 720x720 px.
- Image must be in .png file format to allow transparency around the final item.
It is recommended that the image does not include drop shadow. Each part of the image will be interactive in the same way. It doesn't make sense to click on the shadow of a hammer to grab the hammer, for example.

As you can see, the main library uses orthographic perspective and items have light source coming from above and low contrast. It is recommended to check the style of existing items and test with screenshots for integration with the website's libraries if you plan to use them too.
Also, note that ROOM ESCAPE MAKER uses a grid filled with 20x20 pixels squares. You can download this example as a reference to simulate your placements and imagine how your item would work with the main library.
When sending your graphic to be used as an item, please specify:
- Your username
- A title for the item in the editor
- A title for the item in games. This title will appear if a player adds the item to the inventory.
What are the technical requirements for backgrounds?
A custom graphic can also be an entire room view background. In this case, the requirements are:
- Image resolution must be 1280x720 px.
- If you still want to use the editor's color picker for wall and floor, you need to have transparency. The room wall color is set in the top 560 pixels and the floor color in the bottom 160 pixels.
- Image must be in .png file format.
When sending your graphic to be used as a background, please specify:
- Your username
- A title for the background
Do I keep my intellectual property rights?
Graphics you send to ROOM ESCAPE MAKER can appear in your games like any other graphic from the platform. However, the owner still keeps full rights on these graphics. ROOM ESCAPE MAKER may edit these graphics for better integration while exchanging with you and reserves the right to delete it if you do not follow the Terms and Conditions, but in no circumstances your graphics will be used for other purposes than to appear in your game. No advertising will be done using these graphics without your consent.
By having a custom graphic added to a game, please note that your project is automatically set as unlisted. You can not have a game with custom graphics displayed among other games from the website unless ROOM ESCAPE MAKER grants authorization.
Can I create a fully customized room?
Yes. As you can see with Pink Bedroom Escape, a whole game can be created with custom graphics. It's all about the number of graphics needed to create the game.

Custom graphics can help you establish a distinctive atmosphere and immersive world that players won't find anywhere else. If you're looking for a game that offers a unique and engaging experience, that may be an option to consider.
Please send an emailsupport (at) roomescapemaker (dot) com if you have any questions. I will be glad to help 😊
I can also provide an estimate for the transfer of a custom escape game to your website.